I attended a paleo conference last year and was SO bummed when I went to grab my morning coffee at the breakfast and there was no cream to put in it.   There was coconut oil, coconut butter and ghee.  I thought that was the most disgusting sounding thing but I had no choice but to try it because  it was all that was there and I can’t stand my coffee black.

I put some coconut oil in it and thought it was okay..not my favorite.

Then my husband came home one day revved up about a new thing his colleagues were doing at work called bullet proof coffee.  He put  1 tbsp. of coconut oil and 3 tbsp. of organic, grassfed butter into his coffee and stirred it.  Still sounded disgusting.

However, something made me want to try it a few weeks ago and now I can’t live without it.  If you don’t want to drink coffee, you can make it with dandy blend instead (an herbal coffee replacement that really does taste like coffee).   I make mine in a minute in the morning by just heating up the butter and the coconut oil in a small pan and then throwing it all into my vitamix.  It doesn’t take long at all (trust me I have no patience with anything that takes time in the morning) and it keeps me going for HOURS!

Brunch drink at Woods Hill Table!


Here is the blog that my husband got the recipe from.  Let me know if  you try it and like it!  http://www.bulletproofexec.com/bulletproof-coffee-recipe/