Jeffrey Smith, Director of the movie Genetic Roulette (a MUST SEE) introduced me to the amazing Stephanie Seneff when he was passing through Massachusetts last year.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health.  Since 2011, she has written 10 papers in various medical and health -related journals on the link between modern day disease including obesity, Alzheimer’s, autism, cardiovascural diseases, cancer, colitis, diabetes, Parkinsons and infertility–and glyphosate the active ingredient in the we idly used agricultural herbicide, Round-Up.  Jeffrey Smith does the interview, which I will post as five or six parts over the next few weeks…each video discussing glyphosate’s link to a different disease.  Watch this interview–and pass it on to all of your friends.  This is vital information that every American family needs to know and understand so that we can protect ourselves and our children.